Day 8, woke up to whales jumping out in the water again.... I think I could used to this.
We decided it was the day to try snorkeling at Black Rock; we drove down to Whaler's Village and parked there. We had heard you could go in and buy a minimal purchase of like a bottle of water at the ABC Store and get your parking validated, turns out you have to spend a minimum of 15.00 now. It was all good, we bought 15.00 worth of items we planned on buying anyway so it was still free parking. We parked at 9:30 and had free parking until 12:30.
...again, no underwater camera so no snorkeling pictures; this is us after snorkeling for about an hour, maybe longer. (I never know what time it is on Maui)
The snorkeling was pretty cool, we saw a lot of fish and felt like we were really getting the breathing down good. We felt pretty sad because now that we are getting the hang of it and the water has cleared up more we are already on Day 8 of 11. :(
I couldn't go the whole Trip Report and never share my pedicure!
It was my first nail art and could not believe it held up to all the time we played in the sand and water, they actually still look great after being home almost 2 weeks.
We went back home and packed up some food, I have been very anxious to get to the Olivine Pools and we were finally going! From the first look when we climbed down to the bottom the views took my breath away.
....I knew I HAD to jump in, I didn't waste anytime either, I was ready to jump into this amazing pool! This place looks like Heaven!
Floating around in this pool was a GREAT moment in time, I just melted there.
I felt like I could float around in there forever!
B. took a little more coaxing, I think I jumped in 3 times and finally talked him into trying it. :)
This is the kind of fun that has caused us to re-book already. :)
So I don't have a lot to write about today; we loved it here so much and I am sharing all the amazing views with you; pictures speak louder than words.
Be careful down here! This is a blowhole, it was doing nothing at all and a woman was standing over there when it was getting later and as waves crashed up from one side the blow hole came up and she was suddenly running scared to get out of there. (I am no expert, so if it is not actually a blow hole I am sorry but I am still saying to please be careful!
Does anyone know what this creature is? It was so cool, I think it looks like it's made from Silly String. We would love to know what it is!
Simply an amazing place on earth...
We headed back and had to go get some goodies for dinner, My Brother and his family showed up today and we had not seen them yet; they were grocery shopping and then we were all going to cookout together. :)
I want to write something about this but what can you say????
Yay! This is my Sister-in-law but first she is my friend!
She is the one that brought me to Maui 2 years ago and now here I am with B.
I will always be so thankful that she shared this amazing place with me!! :)
And now here she is with my brother and we are all cooking out by the ocean... really?
Life is so full of surprises.
B. and my big brother cooking out some steaks, fish and shrimp. :)
We had a fabulous supper, I had my first Mai-Mai and it was soooo good! I am a lover of simple white fish like cod and this was right up my alley!
Thanks for joining me for another day's journey on Maui. :)
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